Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mayfly (Gone Too Soon)

Cancer.  That ugly thing rears its head again this month and consumes yet another life, a sweet young woman not even 21 years old.  She leaves behind a son who turns 5 this Saturday.  She became engaged the week before hospice came in.  She was a mayfly, created and given to this earth for a short while.  Time never seems to be on anyone's side... 

Who knows how long a life is?  Do we want to know if we are born a mayfly?  If the ones we love are?

"Mayfly" by Douglas Florian is my poem for Viviana today.  "Its life is over/Far too soon."  May she rest in peace now.


  1. Hi Andrea,

    Life is so very unpredictable , when the end comes no one knows especially where life is filled with so much uncertainty ..yes ...for sure definitely life is not mayfly ..except for some exception ..

    p.s : Hi , how u doing ? hope you are having nice time ..have a great week ahead

    take care.
    KS :)

  2. Thanks for reading and commenting, Vivek. Life is filled with so much uncertainty and I believe that is what makes it beautiful in a bittersweet way.

    I am doing great. Trying to focus more on my writing and paying attention to life in general. How are you?

    Enjoy your week, and smile! Andrea
