Monday, May 30, 2011

Poetry, Photography, and a Poem for Memorial Day

Today, I honor those who have sacrificed for my freedom and I thank those who continue to serve this amazing country.  A moving poem (with audio), "Facing It" by Yusef Komunyakaa:

I feel quite accomplished today.  I've cleaned the house, done a little light bulb replacing and grocery shopping, baked a cake, watched a movie, revised some poems, and worked on a submission packet to Yes, Poetry.  

Now, I'm off to figure out my new Diana Mini camera (one of the most unique and exciting gifts I've received) and embark on my photography/lomography hobby.  I'll keep you updated as I head out to capture the world in a lens. (And check out the cool little lady below!)


  1. Lovely site Miss,

    Poetry has a way with me as no other literary form. Glad it does with you as well. Good luck on the submissions. I was published in "Yes, Poetry" earlier this year. My wife submitted one of my poems without my knowledge and it was accepted. I'm not very comfortable with having my heart/poems hung out on a clothes-line for all to poke and prod but my wife thinks it will be good for me hence the blog...go figure.

    Kind thoughts,

  2. Hi Brandon,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your comments. Congratulations on your poetry publication. Sounds like your wife knows what she is doing. ;) Keep sharing your poetry with the world. I look forward to reading your blog.

    Wishing you a great week, Andrea
