Friday, August 26, 2011

Poetry you wish you'd written

Today, I'm daydreaming about poetry I wish I'd written seeing as I'm having a little difficulty writing it lately.  Wherever I am/I am what is missing.  I keep hearing this in my head and know Mark Strand's "Keeping Things Whole" goes first on this list.

...The secret life 
begins early, is kept alive
by all that's unpopular
in you...
Stephen Dunn's "A Secret Life" was given to me as a little cutout for my pocket by Jack Myers.  This one is a close second to Strand's.

If I took the time to sit and work on a list, I doubt I'd ever leave the chair.  While you're thinking of the poetry you wish you'd written, I'll leave you with words from another I wish I'd written, "The Words Under the Words" by Naomi Shihab Nye:

Answer, if you hear the words under the words
otherwise it is just a world with a lot of rough edges,
difficult to get through, and our pockets full of stones.


  1. I think this way, too. Will read a novel, or watch a touching movie and think, I wish I'd written that.

    I love the quote in your header. It really speaks to me right now.

    I also like the clean, professional look of your blog! Thanks for visiting mine recently. :)

  2. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting, Janna. I am loving your blog!

    Enjoy your week. :)
