Thursday, September 27, 2012

Take a Poem, Leave a Poem II

It's time for another Take a Poem, Leave a Poem segment on the blog. To show you how it works, my first Take a Poem, Leave a Poem post is below:

I've been inspired by the "take a penny, leave a penny" jar at the local deli. 

Poems in the jar today:

"Arf" by Jack Myers
Naomi Shihab Nye reading her found poem "One Boy Told Me"
"Con el dolor de la mortal herida" or "Love Opened a Mortal Wound" by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, translated by Jaime Manrique and Joan Larkin
"In Praise of Noise" by James Arthur
"A Coin-Operated Railroad" by Mary Biddinger 

Please take at least one, and please leave a story or a poem in it's place in the comments section.

Happy reading! Andrea


  1. Thanks for these, Andrea!

    I enjoyed this D. Nurkse poem I read earlier this morning.

    The Simulacra

    They were driving into the mountains, suddenly married,
    sometimes touching each other’s cheek with a fingernail
    gingerly: the radio played ecstatic static: certain roads
    marked with blue enamel numbers led to cloud banks,
    or basalt screes, or dim hotels with padlocked verandas.
    Sometimes they quarreled, sometimes they grew old,
    the wind was constant in their eyes, it was their own wind,
    they made it. Small towns flew past, Rodez, Albi,
    limestone quarries, pear orchards, children racing
    after hoops, wobbling when their shadows wavered,
    infants crying for fine rain, old women on stoops
    darning gray veils—and who were we, watching?
    Doubles, ghosts, the ones who would tell of the field
    where they pulled over, bluish tinge of the elms, steepness
    of the other’s eyes, glowworm hidden in its own glint,
    how the rain was twilight and now is darkness.

    1. Thanks for stopping in, Peter. This is a lovely poem you've left behind for us! Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Mary Biddinger is so awesome. Thanks for including her poem here...I enjoyed it.

    Here's a Rachel Loden poem that I love: "What the Gravedigger Needs."

    What the Gravedigger Needs

    Teuva, Finland


    rubber boots

    leather gloves

    iron spear to loosen up the frozen ground



    length of rope

    board to prevent mourners falling in

    bicycle to go from grave to grave

    Rachel Loden
    New American Writing
    Number 24, 2006

    1. Thanks for reading, Hannah, and for sharing this poem by Rachel Loden. This powerful little poem all seems to hinge upon the line "board to prevent mourners falling in."

  3. I completely agree with you on this, Andee!
